Clay Center Football Coach Marc Henry Outlines Goals and Strategies for the New Season

By Jayson Henderson

In a recent interview, Coach Marc Henry outlined his team’s goals and preparations for the upcoming football season. With several key players graduating, the team faces a challenging season ahead. Coach Henry emphasized the need for new players to step up, saying, “The primary goal is to keep the momentum going with the success we’ve had as a football team”.

The team began their off-season training in early June with a team camp for grades 7 through 12. They also attended camps in Manhattan and Washburn and participated in weekly seven-on-seven drills. Highlighting the importance of conditioning, Coach Henry noted, “The kids are in the weight room every week from 6:00 to 7:30 in the morning”.

When asked about the most anticipated games of the season, Coach Henry pointed to the addition of Lewisburg in Week 3. “We dropped Hiawatha off our schedule and picked up Lewisburg… They’re a 4A school… and they’re coming off a very successful season”. He also mentioned tough early-season games against Abilene and SE Saline, which he hopes will prepare the team for their district stretch starting in Week 4.

Team chemistry and community involvement are crucial to Coach Henry. While no formal team-building exercises were conducted this summer, players have been active in community service, helping with various tasks like moving Superintendent Mr. Nelson. “We try to preach servant leadership to the kids and, you know, helping others out”.

On the topic of coaching innovations, Coach Henry explained that the team is making strategic adjustments on both offense and defense to better align with their current personnel. “We’re trying to adapt to our personnel a little bit more… especially on the defensive side”.

Looking ahead, Coach Henry acknowledged that many view this as a rebuilding year due to the loss of key players. However, he remains optimistic. “We look forward to working with every group, but when you have a group that is inexperienced… I think it brings the best out of my coaches”.

Coach Henry is eager to see how the new and returning players will perform under the pressure of a challenging schedule. “It will be a fun year, it’s a fun group of kids. You know just enjoy being around them. So, we’re just looking forward to it.”

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