Clay Center Zoo Adds Unique New Residents, Patagonian Cavies

By: Ryan Duey

The Clay Center Zoo has recently welcomed the arrival of some Patagonian Cavies to the zoo. Cavies, also known as Maras, are the fourth largest rodent species in the world, native to the arid grasslands of central and southern Argentina.

With their long legs and large ears, these furry rodents can be mistaken for a big rabbit or even a small deer.  Cavies can weigh up to 20 pounds and are the fastest rodent on earth with top speeds of over 30 miles per hour. Garett Payne, Zoo Curator, said that Cavies move in a wide variety of ways.

Payne said in their native environment they live in large groups and the mothers take care of all the babies and the fathers watch over the group. Even though they live in large groups, adult pairs are monogamous, pairing up for life. 

Payne said that it took a little while to figure out what to put in the open space at the zoo before getting an opportunity to get the Cavies.

Attendees can see these unique new residents and all the other animals at no cost during the zoo’s open hours.

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