Clay Counts Coalition’s next Courageous Conversations Night on November 6th will Tackle Addictions

By: Ryan Duey

The Clay Counts Coalition will host its next “Courageous Conversations” event on Wednesday, November 6th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Clay Center United Methodist Church Family Life Center.

Keynote Speaker, Eric Martin of Pawnee Mental Health will speak to attendees about addiction. Martin has a master’s degree in social work and is a Recovery Services Manager at Pawnee Mental Health. Lori Martin, Community Mobilizer, details what Martin will speak about in terms of addiction.

“He’ll be explaining to us how our minds and bodies work together to become addicted and how to resist addiction. And it’s not just to drugs, and it’s not just to alcohol. You know, many folks struggle with all kinds of addictions, it might be an addiction to shopping, perhaps gambling. Addiction that’s keeping them from spending time with their family. And for our kids, there’s a lot of challenges with being addicted to social media.”

While the “Conversation” will begin at 7:00 p.m. the fun will start at 4:00 p.m. with an Inflatable Jousting Ring at the church. A Scramble Meal will also be taking place starting at 5:30. With the dangers and threats of social media addiction in kids, Martin hopes families and area youth groups take the opportunity to join this event.

“We are particularly targeting our area youth and their parents and we’re really encouraging our community churches to bring their youth groups over that night, I know that’s Youth Group Night and Religious Ed Night and it’s a good night for them to perhaps all join together with the Community initiative to help folks understand exactly how the world’s taking advantage of our minds and exploiting it, and how we as a community can work together to fight against that.”

The event is free to the public and all are encouraged to join and learn the ins and outs of addiction and ways to control it.

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