Clay County Christmas Window Showcase Voting Has Begun

By Quinn O’Hara

The annual Clay County Christmas Window decorating contest officially began on November 24th.

Facilitated by Grow Clay County, the contest invites friendly competition between local businesses to see who is the most festive of them all. The participating businesses have created their displays, and now it is up to Clay County to decide who has the best window of the 2023 holiday season.

Kathryn Doster-Tipsword, the Office Administrator & Navigator at Grow Clay County, lists the participating businesses:

Those wishing to vote for their favorite display can visit the Grow Clay County Facebook page for a link to the online voting form. Voters will select their top three choices, and can also add their name and phone number to the form to be added to a drawing to win a $50 gift card to their favorite local business. Voting will conclude Thursday, December 22nd.

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