By Ryan Duey
Photo by Quinn O’Hara
During the Clay County Commission meeting on July 22nd Joel Mason, County Attorney, asked if there had been any issues at Clay County Park recently. Commissioner Thurlow reported that he had not heard of any problems at the park.
Bobby Shomper, Highway Administrator, informed the Board that two employees were sent to Lyon County to look at a piece of machinery to see if it would work for them. He also presented quotes for a new spray tank to place in the back of a pickup. The Board made the motion to purchase a 300-gallon spray tank from Sprayer Specialties.
Kayla Wang, County Clerk, presented two Special Event Cereal Malt Beverage Applications for the Longford Rodeo Club, one for the Rodeo and one for the Dance afterward. The Board approved the licenses unanimously.
Alec Trembath, EMS Director, reported that EMS attended to several incidents during the Rodeo on Wednesday and Thursday, and they will be set up at the Clay County Fair in the evenings this week. Trembath also presented the estimated cost for three employees to take the required pre-requisite courses before applying for Paramedic Classes. The Board unanimously approved funding the three employees for the classes at the cost of $4,960.
Dana Rickley, County Health Director, reported that she was one of the three adults who took five High School students to Chicago for the Clay Counts Coalition. They attended a training on Drugs, Alcohol, and Suicide Awareness. Two students were chosen to represent Kansas on a National level. Rickley also invited the Board to the Kansas Public Health Roadshow that will be held in several locations.
Alan Benninga, Sheriff, reported that they will be set up and working the Clay County Fair this week.