Clay County Commissioners Discuss 2025 Budgets, County Roads, EMS in Regular Meeting

By Quinn O’Hara

Photo by Quinn O’Hara

On Monday, June 24, the Clay County Commissioners met for their regularly scheduled meeting. According to the unofficial minutes report:

County Highway Administrator Bobby Shomper met with the Board. He reported on the department’s progress on blading roads and that they have cleaned up all the equipment from the recent chip sealing project. The department also hauled rock to Meadowlark, 19th, Kiowa, and Limestone roads. Shomper’s blade operators have also been working in teams to train new employees. He also presented his budget for 2025.

Jim Bogart, the Assistant Clay County Emergency Manager, presented his budget for 2025.

Clay County EMS Director Alec Trembath reported that the department was at run 405 for the year at the time of the meeting. Trembath reported on repairs needed for the EMS Building and on hail damage to the building’s roof. The Board discussed holiday pay for EMS and unanimously voted to pay employees double time for working holidays and eight hours of pay for those that do not work holidays, effective June 24, 2024. Trembath also presented the 2025 CCEMS budget.

Sheriff Alan Benninga presented his 2025 budget to the Board.

Grow Clay County Director Natalie Muruato presented the proposed 2025 Economic Development Budget. She also reported that new maps of the A Mural Movement murals have been created by a Grow Clay County Intern. Muruato also reported that progress on the downtown speaker system is steady and the installation for the speakers will be July 28.

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