Clay County Comprehensive Plan Addresses Housing Stock Challenges and Median Value Shifts

By Jayson Henderson

The Clay County Comprehensive Plan’s initial housing goal focuses on addressing issues within owner-occupied and renter-occupied housing stock in both rural and urban areas of the county. The plan aims to provide safe and affordable housing for various demographics, including young individuals, renters, low-income individuals, and seniors. Efforts will be directed at creating housing opportunities by freeing up or developing units for seniors to downsize, thereby opening the single-family market. The county intends to collaborate with local housing developers, funding sources, and state entities to incentivize and establish partnerships for new housing initiatives. Diversity in housing types for all age groups is a key objective.

According to the American Community Survey, the median value of owner-occupied housing units in Clay County decreased from $98,000 in 2010 to $86,500 in 2019, representing an 11.7% decrease. Meanwhile, Kansas experienced an increase from $122,600 to $151,900 during the same period, marking a 23.9% rise. In both 2010 and 2019, Clay County’s median owner-occupied units decreased at about half the rate of the state’s median value increase over the specified timeframe.

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