Clay County Health Department to Host Annual Spring Health Fair with Low-Cost Screenings and Added Drug Take Back Day

by: Ryan Duey

The Clay County Health Department (CCHD) will hold its annual Spring Health Fair from Wednesday, April 9th to Tuesday, April 15th. During this event, community members will have the opportunity to receive various different lab screenings at reduced rates.

Nikki Burwell, CCHD Public Health Nurse, said the Health Fair starts at 7:00 a.m. each day and an appointment is needed during the week. She described what they will offer during the Fair.

“We are going to offer blood pressure checks, we’re going to offer vaccines, as well as lab draws. We have added a few extra lab draws this year. We’re going to add a vitamin B12 screening and an iron and ferritin panel. These are other very important labs that it’s good to check on.”

“As always, we’re offering our free Hepatitis C screenings. A lot of people don’t even know they have Hep C; it can silently be in your body. The CDC recommends adults born between 1945 and 1965 be screened for Hep C at least once in their life. As well as individuals who had a blood transfusion before 1992.”

CCHD will offer a Walk-in Clinic on Saturday, April 12th beginning at 7:00 a.m. Burwell said they will be offering the same screenings, but no appointment will be necessary that day.

In conjunction with the Health Fair CCHD will also be hosting a Drug Take Back Day on Saturday, from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Burwell said any drug or medication will be accepted, no questions asked.

“We will take back any and all medications that people have. People can just drop them off at the box that will be located in front of the health fair.”

Attendees are asked to fast 8 to 10 hours before their scheduled screenings. Insurance will not be accepted; patients can pay by cash or check during their appointment. Lab results will be sent to your home to share with your doctor.

More information on the different screenings can be found on the Health Department’s Facebook page. Contact the Health Department with any questions, or to schedule an appointment by calling (785) 632-3193.

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