Clay County Health Department to Host “Becoming a Mom” Classes

By: Ryan Duey

The Clay County Health Department (CCHD) will host a series of six classes for expecting mothers this September and October. “Becoming a Mom” is a provider-recommended prenatal class designed to help and prepare future mothers and fathers.

Nikki Burwell, Public Health Nurse and Prenatal Education Instructor, will teach the classes. Burwell said the classes are designed to improve participants’ chances of having a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby, plus more.

Sessions for mothers and fathers expecting in January start on September 3rd, expecting February parents classes start on September 18th, and expecting March parents classes begin on October 17th. Two classes will be offered, from 10 a.m. to noon and 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Burwell said these classes are designed this way to allow support from other mothers in similar situations.

Classes with be held at the Health Department and are entirely free. Classes are limited to ten families so it’s important to register early. Register by contacting Burwell at CCHD.

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