Clay County Historical Society Hosts “Stories of Your Past”

By Quinn O’Hara

This past Saturday, October 14th, the Clay County Historical Society hosted Stories of Your Past, an event where four citizens of Clay Center reenacted and told stories of their past relatives’ contributions to Clay Center. Initially the tour was planned to take place on four stops along Lincoln Avenue in downtown Clay Center, but the unexpectedly chilly morning had Drieth and Pfizenmaier, two of the performers, speak inside the museum.

The event began with a reenactment from Heather Drieth, of her grandmother Evelyn McIntosh, the wife of then president of People’s National Bank.

Next, the group walked to Patterson Health Mart Pharmacy where Scott Patterson talked about Bob Weimer, owner of Weimer Drugs. Weimer’s son, Scott Weimer, attended the event alongside Patterson and spoke of his father as well.

Then the group headed across Lincoln Avenue to Central Office & Supply, where Steve McMahan told the story of Central Office as his father, Wilson McMahan.

The last stop on the tour led the group back inside the Clay County Museum for Troy Pfizenmaier’s reenactment of Wayne Carlson telling the history of the Gate 9 Graphics building.

After the final presentation, the Director of the Clay County Museum, Jeff Gaiser, asked the group for any improvements for next year’s Stories of Your Past. After a quick discussion and round of applause for the presenters, the group finished the event with a light meal provided by the museum.

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