Clay County Landfill to Perform Groundwater Sampling This Fall for KDHE Compliance

By: Ryan Duey

In order to stay in compliance with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) the Clay County Landfill must complete groundwater samplings.

Rhonda Carroll, Landfill Director, said this must be done at the landfill north of town and the closed landfill by the wastewater plant.

Improperly stored or disposed of waste could result in the release of hazardous contaminants in the groundwater. A company must come out to perform the groundwater samplings, checking to ensure contaminant levels are within range, and if not find the issue causing it.

After completion of the samplings, the landfill must ensure that the documents are reviewed and approved by the KDHE to determine compliance. Carroll is currently attempting to contact a company to perform the necessary Fall samplings.

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