By: Anna Baxter
Countryside Crusaders Club Reporter
During their January meeting the Countryside Crusaders prepared for the annual River Valley District 4-H Club Day where they will compete in the Model Meeting Event. Model Meeting is an event that requires participation from the Club Members. Model Meeting shows how well a club can conduct their meeting. Members can take a part where they will make a motion or use a special parliamentary procedure, like calling for Division of the House. Other members can be part of the Meeting Program and give a talk or demonstration, play in instrument or read a poem.
Club President Joni Begnoche called the meeting to order on Monday, January 15th at 7:00 p.m. at the Countryside Church. Roll Call was answered by “What is your favorite thing to do on a Snow Day?” 25 members, 2 leaders, and 15parents were in attendance. There were no guests present.
Mason Chaffee led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H Pledge. Club Song Leader Audra Pearson led the club in singing “Down By The Bay”. Club Secretary Jenette Begnoche read the minutes from the previous meeting. They were approved as read. Club Treasurer Maci Jefferis gave the Treasurers Report. Club Reporter Anna Baxter reported that her Reporters Report for the month of December had been printed in The Dispatch. 4-H Council Representative Kathryn Seward reported that the next 4-H Council Meeting would be on Monday, February 5th at 7:45 p.m. Club Leaders Audie Hartman and Jennifer Begnoche shared the dates for the upcoming Citizenship in Action trip and the deadlines to register for the KSU Jr Swine and Sheep Producer Days coming up in March. Sarabeth Martin presented ideas for the Club Educational Tour. Foods Project Leader Melissa Baxter gave an update for the Foods Club Project that will be on February 12th.
Gentry Hartman gave a speech on Why Braman Cattle Should Be In Kansas. Kale Hartman performed an Instrumental Solo with his Saxophone. Bradi Hartman gave a project talk about making items out of resin. Cloverbuds Ellie Carlson and Caroline Hager shared about the paintings they made at their January Cloverbuds meeting.
Recreation Leader Colt Hager led the club in a game of Keepy Uppey following the adjournment of the meeting.