COVID-19’s Effect On Clay County Continuing To Decline

By Quinn O’Hara

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control, 10% of all hospital visits in Clay County during the week ending on February 17 were associated with COVID-19, influenza, and RSV. Of that 10%, 3.4% of visits were for COVID-19, and 6.8% of visits were for influenza.

Nikki Burwell, the Clay County Health Department’s Public Health Nurse and Immunization Coordinator, said these numbers have stayed relatively low over recent months, except for a significant spike in cases in December, and CDC data backs up her claim. She said Clay County residents have been pretty responsive and accepting of COVID-era health and safety measures, which has helped to reduce the pandemic’s effects on the county.

Burwell also said the county’s vaccination rates have also been fairly steady.

May 11, 2024, will mark one year since the end of the federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency declaration.

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