Get to Know Clay County’s New County Attorney Candidate

This fall a new candidate will be on the docket for the role of Clay County Attorney: Brenda
Jordan. Located near Riley, Jordan has been a practicing attorney since 1994. She currently
owns and operates Brenda Jordan Law Office in Manhattan, where she practices family and
criminal law.

When she takes office – Jordan will run unopposed – she will keep the law office open part-
time, then travel to Clay Center to work in the County Courthouse, she said.

Jordan worked for a decade in the Riley County Attorney’s office, she said. She began working
that gig in 2006, then started her own operation in 2008.

“I like the court system by and I enjoy prosecution,” Jordan said. “I live close by; we own
property in Clay County, so I thought if there wasn’t somebody local, I should do it. I enjoy Clay

A mother of four, Jordan’s youngest child (and only son) is now 17, she said. Her older three
children are 21, 23, and 26. She is also married to Michael Winter, with whom she hosts a
poultry auction in Clay County once a month.

Jordan said she grew up on a farm and still enjoys farm-related activities today. Aside from
hosting poultry sales, she enjoys raising meat goats, red angus cattle, and riding horses. It’s a
goal of hers to get back into barrel racing – an activity she loved until she aged out in college.
AngusFor this she has a new horse, Frankie, who she’s training, along with Brass. She also has a horse
they call Sis (her registered name is Diamond Sweetheart) she enjoys working with.

Jordan can also be found with her Golden Retriever, Reba, who she said is likely to accompany
her at work.

“She’s an unofficial therapy dog, whenever people are stressed or having difficulty, she’s calm,”
she said.

In practicing law, Jordan said it was a career she knew she wanted since a young age.

“When I was really young I wanted to be a vet, but when I got into junior then senior high I took
a few classes that changed my mind,” she said. “Then I was going to be a business lawyer but I
got into a criminal law class and fell in love with it.”

In addition, she said it’s a way to working with others in a time when they need support.
“Helping people get through difficult times, that’s my favorite part.”

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