Items Discussed During Clay Center City Council’s Regular Meeting on December 17th

Topics discussed during the Clay Center City Council regular meeting on December 17th included: Public Hearing, BASE Grant, other Grants, 2024 Audit Proposal, Cereal Malt Beverage Licenses, and more.

Dusty Mullin, City Attorney, reminded the Council that a Public Hearing will be held on January 7th for the Riverview Addition Plat vacation.

A motion was made to change the Scope of work for the BASE Grant for Penni Wize Investments 12th Street Estates Project. The change includes deleting the sewer infrastructure, reducing the electrical infrastructure, and adding water lines and concrete for driveways. A motion was then made to approve the new BASE Grant agreement, passing unanimously. A motion was also made to approve the Commercial NRP Interlocal Agreement, passing unanimously.

Patrick Hayes, Park Supervisor, informed the Council about an opportunity to apply for a Grant for additional Pickle Ball Courts at Dexter Park, the Grant is through T-Mobile. Motion was made to approve the application, passing unanimously.

Amelia Blackwood, City Clerk, received a 2024 Audit Proposal from Gordon CPA, who has done city audits in the past. The Council unanimously approved the Proposal from Gordon CPA. Blackwood also informed the Council, that after research from the City Attorney’s office and others, the Cemetery Perpetual Care Funds may be used to pay for the new archway and gate at Greenwood Cemetery, the project was previously paid out of the Cemetery Reserve Fund. Motion was made and unanimously approved to move funds from the Perpetual Care Fund to the Reserve Fund.

A motion was made to approve Cereal Malt Beverage Licenses to several businesses in the city, passing unanimously.

Councilor Elton Hess reported that building permits were issued to different residences and that a building permit extension was issued to Rural Development Group, LLC for a home.

Councilor Daton Hess reported that the Street Department will be requesting bids for concrete and asphalt for the 2025 half-cent sales tax project. He also stated that the bucket on the payloader needs replaced, this will be further discussed in the future. The Wastewater Department had to rent a tractor while the other tractor was being repaired. The Airport’s tractor would not work for the Wastewater Department due to differences in PTO speed. Finally, the public services committee will be meeting to discuss an increase in sewer rates.

Councilor Phil Kasper finished the meeting by reporting on the September sales tax collected for the City.

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