Items Discussed During Clay Center City Council’s Regular Meeting on December 3rd

Topics discussed during the Clay Center City Council’s regular meeting on December 3rd included: safety at night, Kiwanis Club, Neighborhood Revitalization Program, Solar Project, BASE Grant Funds, and more.

Mayor James Thatcher started the meeting by reminding citizens to use reflective and safety gear when exercising or walking at night.

Mayor Thatcher and City Clerk Amelia Blackwood met with the Kiwanis Club organization, there will be a club re-starting in Clay Center.

Clerk Blackwood reported to the Council that the Neighborhood Revitalization Program Interlocal Agreement Renewal will be on the agenda for the next meeting. The agreement, renewed every 5 years is a rebate program for qualified commercial properties.

Attorney Joel Mason reported to the Council that a portion of the Riverview Subdivision will need to be vacated for the Solar Project at the Water Treatment Plant to move forward. Scott Glaves, Public Utilities Superintendent, presented information and a map of the funded Solar Project. A motion was made to authorize the Mayor to sign a petition to vacate a plat in part of the Riverview Subdivision and set a Public Hearing for January 7th at 5:30 p.m., passing unanimously.

A motion was made to allocate BASE Grant Funds to the Rural Development Group, LLC for the Middle Income Housing Project for sewer and water lines, passing unanimously. Councilor Charbonneau abstained.

Attorney Mason reported that the City received correspondence from Penni Wize Investments’ legal counsel, requesting additional time to review the BASE Grant Agreement. Motion was made to table the agreement until the next Council meeting, passing unanimously.

Councilor Daton Hess reported to the Council that the clarifier in the Wastewater Department broke down and needed emergency repairs.  He also stated that the tractor at the Department has broken down and needs to be repaired. A quote was received from Bruna Implement, the Council unanimously approved the quote to have the tractor repaired. He also reported that the committee will be researching sewer rates and possible necessary increases due to increasing operational costs.

Councilor Phil Kasper reported to the Council that Patrick Hayes, Parks & Recreation Superintendent, is applying for a grant for additional Pickleball Courts at Dexter Park. Kasper will continue to work with Hayes to get all the necessary information for the application.

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