Topics discussed during the Clay County Commissioners’ weekly meeting on February 24th included: Easter, snow removal, maintenance work, range use, NRP, and more.
Kathryn Doster-Tipsword and Austin Hittle, Grow Clay County, asked permission to use the Courthouse Square for the Easter Eggstravaganza that will be held on April 19. The Board granted permission for Grow Clay County to use the Courthouse Square.
Bobby Shomper, Highway Administrator, reported that the Department worked on blading and treating roads from the previous snowstorm. Shomper stated that he’s having Double L look at some belly trailers that are not closing tightly, which is causing them to lose materials when treating roads. He also stated that they will need to replace or repair some mailboxes and stop signs that were hit during snow removal.
Kayla Wang, County Clerk, presented quotes to the Board on the placement of several electrical plug-ins at the ESA location. A motion to was made accept the bid from Althiser Electric, passing unanimously.
Alec Trembath, EMS Director, stated they are currently on run 166 compared to run 110 in 2024 at the same time of year. He also reported that he was able to get quotes on the maintenance repairs that need to be done on Medic 5. After reviewing the quotes, the Board made a motion to accept a quote from Glavan Ford on the maintenance repairs on Medic 5, passing unanimously.
Dana Rickley, County Health Director, stated that an employee of the Health Department will need to receive 28 hours from the Clay County Sick Leave Pool. Commissioners approved the donation of 28 hours of sick leave.
Alan Benninga, Sheriff, reported to the Board that he would like to hire one additional PRN Dispatcher to train and use when they have a full-time Dispatcher on vacation or out of the office. In order to have a Dispatcher ready to work alone the County will need to invest between 200 to 300 hours of training. He also informed the Board that Marcus Seirer, owner of the Rusty Trigger FFL, has asked if he would be able to use the County Shooting Range for the testing of the Concealed Carry classes that he teaches. The Board granted permission for the use of the Range, but they will require a Certificate of Insurance to be provided to the County. Benninga then presented a quote from Andrew Askew Construction for the renovation of a bathroom to take it from an existing tub to a handicap-accessible shower and the installation of an eye washing station. After reviewing the quote, the Board instructed Benninga to move forward on the bathroom renovation project.
Danny Mesalles, Appraiser, presented a residential NRP for a residence in the County to be approved. The Board approved the NRP application, and the Chairman signed the application. Mesalles asked permission to purchase two filing cabinets from Central Office Service & Supply. The Board granted permission for this purchase.
Rhonda Carroll, Landfill Director, met with the Board to discuss the repairs that are needed on the 963 Caterpillar Crawler. Foley Equipment provided a quote for the removal and installation of a new engine. After much discussion, the Commissioners made the motion to accept the quote from Foley Equipment for the repairs. Carroll also presented a quote from Berry Material Handling for repairs to the forklift. A motion was made to accept the quote from Berry Material for repairs to the forklift, both passing unanimously. Carroll also discussed the purchase of a portable AC Recovery Machine for the removal of freon out of appliances that are brought to the Landfill. The Board instructed Carroll to get some quotes on this purchase.