Topics discussed during the Clay County Commissioners’ regular weekly meeting on January 21st included: snow day, salt/sand donation, public relations, roof leak, shelter management, annual inspection, and more.
Bobby Shomper, Highway Administrator, asked the Board if he could send his department home for the day to observe the snow day that the County employees received on January 6th. The temperature is so cold, and it is not good to run the big equipment when it is 16 degrees below zero. Motion was made and passed unanimously to give them the day off. Shomper reported that USD 379 asked if the County could donate some sand & salt for the school parking lots. The County donated the material to USD 379 to help keep the kids safe. Shomper then presented quotes for a new motor grader. Motion was made to accept a loan quote from The Farmers & Merchants State Bank for the new grader, passing unanimously.
Scott Fischer, Clay Center Police Officer, presented a project that he has been working on to develop positive public relations with citizens in the response area. The benefits of creating trust and understanding with citizens can be quantified in ways that can result in both supportive and financial gains. This will be a 6-week hands-on learning program for adults over 18 years old with the classes being two weeks each with EMS, the Fire Department, and City Police Department. The Board agreed that this initiative is a great idea.
Alec Trembath, EMS Director, stated that the Department continues to stay busy with emergency runs and out of town transfers. He stated that Medic 5 needs some maintenance work that has either been overlooked or missed. The Board asked Trembath to get quotes for the maintenance work and return next week to present them.
Pam Kemp, Emergency Manager, stated that a section of roof at ESA has had a leak since the winter storm that will need repaired. Kemp also stated that they along with Dana Rickley, County Health Director, attended a webinar last week dealing with the Crisis Standard of Care in a Critical Situation. This was a good webinar for training. She stated that she has been doing research and working on Shelter Management for Clay County. She provided training materials on Operating a Shelter and gave the Board a Field Guide for review. Kemp then stated that she plans to retire on March 31, 2025.
Alan Benninga, Sheriff, reported that Fort Riley would be doing their Annual Inspection of the Law Enforcement Center this week because they are possibly going to house prisoners in Clay County again.
Whitney Baer, Noxious Weed Director, presented bids for a new pickup for the Landfill/Noxious Weed Department. After looking over bids the Board motioned to purchase a 2024 Ford F-250 from Glavan Ford, passing unanimously. The Board instructed Baer to sell the old pickup on Purplewave. Baer then presented the 2025 Annual Noxious Weed Eradication Progress Report and the 2025 Management Plan for both to be signed by the Board of Commissioners.
Christine Swaim, County Treasurer, and Kayla Wang, County Clerk, asked permission for each department to get one Verizon cell phone for use in those offices. Wang stated that they are required to have second verification and authenticity codes for several jobs that are done in the County Clerk’s office and right now they are using their personal cell phones to provide this service. The Board granted permission for both of the offices to get a Verizon cell phone for County business in each office.
After reviewing the first half of the 2024 NRP Refunds of just over $78,000 the Board made the motion to approve the refunds, passing unanimously.