Items Discussed During the Clay County Commissioners Weekly Meeting on March 3rd

Topics discussed during the Clay County Commissioners’ regular weekly meeting on March 3rd included: Riley Clinic expansion, bridge plank bids, ambulance services, Fire Lien Act, Community Garden, reports, and more.

Austin Gillard, CEO of CCMC, reported that they have chosen BHS Construction as the contractor to do the Riley Clinic project. This will be an addition of 1,700 square feet, and they hope to have it completed by the end of the year. The current renovation project at CCMC will be completed in mid-July. He also stated that Clay County Medical Center has received the award for being named as one of the top 100 Critical Care Hospitals in the United States for the 4th year.

Dale Bechard, Courthouse Custodian, met with the Board to discuss the purchase of a new vacuum sweeper for the Courthouse. One of the sweepers has stopped working and needs to be replaced. Bechard recommended a Hoover Hush Tone. A motion was made to purchase the Hoover vacuum sweeper, passing unanimously.

Bobby Shomper, Highway Administrator, informed the Board that he had only received one bid for bridge planks. After reviewing the bid, Commissioner Carlson made the motion to accept the bid from Welborn Sales for 50 bridge planks, passing unanimously. Shomper also presented bids on three sizes of galvanized coated pipes with bands. After reviewing the bids, Commissioner Thurlow made the motion to accept the bid from Welborn Sales, Inc. for pipes and bands, passing unanimously.

Alec Trembath, EMS Director, and Joseph House, Executive Director Kansas Board of EMS, met with the Board. Trembath reported that he had met with Blake Graham, Miltonvale EMS, about the need for an Ambulance Service to cover the Star & Colfax Townships. The EMS Service in Cloud County is not Countywide. The EMS Service in Miltonvale is having issues finding volunteers to cover the area that is needed and has requested help from Clay County. Currently, the Clay County Board of Commissioners has signed the Mutual Aid Agreement that allows the County to assist if needed. The Board stated that they need to have a meeting with all individuals involved before deciding on what services will be provided.

Pam Kemp, Emergency Manager, reported that the Radio Communication meeting will be held on March 20th at the ESA location. This meeting is for Rural Firemen, City Firemen, City Police Officers, Sheriff’s Deputies, and other Emergency Departments that use the 400 and 800 radios. Kemp also informed the Board that the County needs to adopt a Resolution regarding the Fire Lien Act that allows Kansas Cities and Counties to impose a lien on a covered claim payment that is over 75% of the face value of the policy. The Lien is for any unpaid property taxes or other charges and to cure the unsafe or dangerous conditions of the property that suffered the loss. The Board asked Kemp to provide a template of this Resolution for them to draft and sign. Kemp also stated that a Weather Awareness Training will be held on April 3rd at the Clay County Event Center.

Dana Rickley, County Health Director, informed the Board that volunteers have been working on the Community Garden that will be located at the Health Department. They have started building the raised beds and will be placing them in their locations soon.

The Board approved the hiring of a PRN Deputy at the Sheriff’s office to fill in when needed.

Natalie Muruato, Director of Grow Clay County, and Scott Leitzel, Grow Clay County Board Member, met with the Board. Muruato provided the Board with the Executive Director’s Report that lists the activities, meetings, and community outreach that Grow Clay County provides. The Board approved a letter that Muruato drafted to send to all of the businesses involved in paying the Transient Guest Tax. This letter informs them that the tax will increase to 4% effective April 1st.

A motion to adopt Resolution 2025-5 authorizing participation in the Rural Opportunity Zone Student Loan Repayment Program for the Calendar Year 2025, passing unanimously.

Danny Mesalles, County Appraiser, informed the Board that the Appraiser’s Office mailed out the Real Property Valuation notices on Friday February 28th. Over all the Residential property increased 2-3% and Commercial property increased 3-4% in Clay County.

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