KSU Extension & Research Holding “Welcome A-Board Series” in Clay Center

By Ryan Duey

River Valley District is holding a Welcome A-Board: Board Leadership Basics series starting on February 28th. If you are new to a local community-based board or feel you want a refresher, this program covers several topics to help board members and their organizations become more effective in their efforts.

The Welcome-A-Board Leadership Series is a four-part series offered once a week for four weeks. The course is designed to provide basic training for members of community-based boards.

The Welcome-A-Board Leadership Series will provide an opportunity for board members to learn the basics of being a good board member. Whether you are a member of a church board, a township board, or a non-profit agency board, this training is appropriate for you.

The Program will be offered at the Clay Center Extension office from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. The cost will be $40 per registration for the entire series. Registration is required. Contact Wade Reh in the Clay Center Extension office with any questions or to get registered.

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