Leah Knitter Named USD 379 Elementary Teacher of The Year

By Payton Tholstrup

Leah Knitter, a Kindergarten Teacher at Lincoln Elementary in Clay Center, KS, has been named USD 379’s Elementary Teacher of The Year. Knitter will go on and compete for the Kansas Teacher of the Year Award later this year.

Knitter has been teaching for a total of 12 years. Each year, she has been a kindergarten teacher at Lincoln. Her journey at USD 379 began when she was a student teacher in kindergarten with Kelli Shannon and in preschool with Kristi Jones before she was eventually hired as a substitute for the district.

Working as a substitute was what led her to get hired as the fifth kindergarten teacher for the 2013-2014 school year, just a few days before school started. “Funny story; I was hired on a Monday at 7:00 p.m. and had students and parents in my classroom on Wednesday evening for a meet and greet. It was a whirlwind!” she said.

Her favorite part of teaching is the light bulb moment students experience when something clicks and they understand what they are learning. The pride that comes across their faces is unmatched, Knitter said, and she is hopeful that all her students love school when they leave her classroom. “Teaching is so much fun, especially when you are starting at the beginning of their educational career. You get the opportunity to set that foundation and love for school.”

Knitter’s advice for new teachers is to build those relationships and take time to get to know each student. “Find out what they enjoy and put effort into meaningful conversations with them. If a student trusts and respects you, they’ll do anything for you. Also, love everyone regardless of their background. Every child deserves to be loved,” she said.

Knitter expressed how honored she is to have been selected as USD 379’s Elementary Teacher of the Year and thanked everyone who nominated her. USD 379 will always have her heart, she said, adding that she has met so many incredible educators during her journey as a student and teacher in the district.

“It’s hard to brag on myself, but I must be doing something right. I just keep pinching myself because this can’t be real!”

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