Lincoln Elementary Students Nominate Kindest Citizens In Clay Center

By Payton Tholstrup

Picture from Lincoln Elementary FB Page

Recently, students at Lincoln Elementary School wrote essays to nominate who they believe is the kindest citizen in Clay Center. Students couldn’t nominate a Lincoln staff member, or a family member and the nominee had to be at least 18 years old or older.

Principal Matt Weller and Ms. Coughlin, the school counselor, read through each essay and chose which ones were going to be read that morning at High Five Friday. Nominees and parents were invited to attend, and students who had their essay chosen were able to read them in front of the whole school with the nominee standing beside them.

“It is always a proud day seeing students have the courage to read their essays in front of 400 people. We also had 100 percent attendance from the nominees, which shows it is a big deal for them as well,” Weller said.

The essays that weren’t chosen were given to the nominee and a phone call was made. Weller said this is a project that the school has done for the past ten years.

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