Camey Thurner, from the Concordia Lions Club and Lions Club Zone 9 Chair, which covers the area, spoke to Clay Center Lions Club members during their regular weekly meeting on Tuesday, February 25th.
Thurner spoke of many topics including youth, diversity of members, social media, along with different activities area Lions Club organizations are doing in their communities.
She said that on a global scale, Lions Club is looking to add more women to the organization.
“I was the second woman in my Club when I joined like 15 years ago. Although they were allowed sooner, it’s taken a lot of Clubs a long time to allow women, let alone welcome them.”
“We would like there to be a little bit more of a balance. Women have a lot to offer and bring into the Club, so that’s going to be our target this year.”
As the local Chair Thurner said her primary focus of the Club is to tap into the area’s youth, encouraging younger individuals to join the organization.
“Our primary focus, or mine at least for this year is to tap into our youth more. Encouraging youth to come in with new ideas, maybe make it more fun. Also to hear what the kids have to say, and what they think is exciting.”
Lions Club members are a group of like-minded individuals serving their communities in various ways throughout the world.