Meadowlark Hospice Receives National Recognition

By Ryan Duey

Meadowlark Hospice, serving Clay, Cloud, Marshall, Republic, Western Riley, and Washington Counties has been recognized for its above-and-beyond service by receiving the WellSky Hospice CAHPS 2023 Award of Distinction. Meadowlark also came in as a Top 25 Hospice organization in the United States.

These recognitions show how dedicated and professional the staff at Meadowlark are. We asked Amy Burr, Meadowlark Director, how WellSky chose organizations to be awarded.

The award indicates that patients and their families hold a significant level of trust and respect for the Meadowlark Staff, and this is not overlooked.

If your family is ever in need of Hospice Care this five-star organization is an easy choice.

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