Much Discussed During Clay County Commissioners First Regular Meeting of the Month

By: Ryan Duey

Topics discussed during the Clay County Commissioners’ regular weekly meeting on October 7th included: CCMC updates, easements, Transient Guest Bed Tax, road and bridge work, medic supplies, Hazard Mitigation Plan, and more.

Austin Gillard, CCMC CEO, met with the Board to give an update on the Medical Center and Family Physicians Clinic expansion. Gillard reported that all parking lot concrete has been removed and they hope to have the circle drive finished and ready by mid-December. He also stated that Riley County Family Physicians has outgrown their Clinic.  Plans are being made to expand the Clinic by 2,000 feet, adding five additional exam rooms and a Mental Health room.

Mike Rothfuss, Cedar Court Motel, visited the Board by phone about his concerns with the increase of the Transient Guest Bed tax for 2025.  Rothfuss stated that the new Transient tax combined with sales tax will make the tax higher than what can be found in Manhattan, which could potentially harm business. After much discussion, the Board tabled the matter until they can speak with Natalie Muruato of Grow Clay County about the concern.

Bobby Shomper, Highway Administrator, reported that the Department bladed roads, pulled rocks off roads, and placed it into windrows due to the dust with it being so dry.

Alec Trembath, EMS Director, informed the Board that the recent hurricane damage has affected getting supplies for the medical units. He stated that they currently have a good supply, but costs could increase next time they need to order more. The Chairman also signed bills from Barton County Community College for three EMS employees to start taking classes to become Paramedics.

Pam Kemp, Emergency Manager, informed the Board that the final actions and corrections to the Mitigation Hazard Plan have been sent off to be made. She also stated that Cybersecurity is a major concern to several of the Counties that attended the final Mitigation Hazard Plan meeting.

Danny Mesalles, Appraiser, presented an NRP application to the Board for approval. After reviewing the application, the Board approved that the residential structure be placed in the NRP Plan.

Michelle Tessaro met with the Board to report that Cloverton will be returning to Clay Center for a Christmas concert this year. Tessaro thanked the Board for all the support they provide to the community. She asked if the Board would be willing to make a donation similar to previous years for this concert. The Board moved to donate to the Cloverton Concert, passing unanimously.

Rhonda Carroll, Landfill Director, presented quotes for the purchase of a forklift for the Landfill. After reviewing all the quotes, the Board made a motion to purchase a forklift from Doosan Lift Truck Center, passing unanimously.

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