Much Discussed During this Week’s Clay County Commission Meeting

By Ryan Duey

On Monday, June 3rd the Clay County Commission held their regular weekly meeting. Many topics were discussed during this meeting, including 2025 Proposed Budgets being left for the Board.

Austin Gillard, Clay County Medical Center CEO, reported that they will be purchasing 2 new ultrasound machines as the current machines are several years old and the Medical Center is seeing an increase in babies being delivered.

Bobby Shomper, Highway Administrator, reported to the Board that the Department is working to get ready for the chip seal project beginning next week. He also informed the Board that Dickinson County will not be able to lend their rock edger to the Department this year and gave the Board a quote for a rock edger for the Department. The board unanimously voted to purchase the rock edger for the County.

Alec Trembath, EMS Director, reported to the Board that the Department will be providing a Basic Life Support CPR Class for the County Health Department this week. The Department will hold its quarterly meeting soon to review procedures within the Department.

Pam Kemp, Emergency Manager, reported to the Board that she attended a Homeland Security Meeting last week and they will need to cut spending by 10% for the 2025 year. She also reported that she attended an Advanced Weather Class in Abilene, and that it was a good training at a higher level than they are normally trained.

Alan Benninga, Sheriff, reported to the Board that they are in need of new armored vests for all officers as the current ones are several years old. Benninga provided two quotes to the Board. The board granted permission to purchase new vests for the officers.

Commissioner Thurlow made a motion to adopt and sign Resolution 2024-07 authorizing the use of certain vehicles within the Clay County Park, the motion passed unanimously.

Mike Argo, Fair Board President, reported to the Board that the first Jay Husker midget car races at the Fair Grounds are June 29th. Argo also

reported that repairs to the Poultry Barn and Horse Barn have been completed in time for the Fair.

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