Operation Christmas Child’s Local Volunteers Make Big Impact Across the World

By: Ryan Duey

Every year tens of thousands of volunteers from churches around the world partner with the Humanitarian aid organization, Samaritan’s Purse to pack shoeboxes full of gifts to distribute to children across the world.

Known as Operation Christmas Child, this endeavor has been distributing shoeboxes around the world for 32 years. Larry Duch, Coordinator of the Flint Hills Area Team, said this is the largest outreach Christmas Program of its kind.

The Clay Center United Methodist Church Youth Group is participating in the outreach program, packing shoeboxes to distribute to children in other countries. Duch said getting involved is very simple.

On September 7th the Flint Hills Area Team will host a kick-off event at the Junction City Church of the Nazarene at 9:30 a.m. for any area churches that would like to participate in this program. Interested volunteers can find ways to help by visiting the Samaritan’s Purse website or local participating church.

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