By Ryan Duey
Since 1980 Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America (PMMA) has been holding its annual “Art is Ageless” Calendar Competition and it has grown significantly over the years.
Coming up April 5th through the 12th area senior artists will be showcasing their talents in the annual “Art is Ageless Exhibit” at the Clay Center Presbyterian Manor.
The Exhibit will be open to guests from 1:00 to 5:00 pm daily. Featuring different works from seniors 65 and older. Amy Altwegg, Clay Center PMMA Director, said it’s fun to recognize these talented people.
This Exhibit is not limited to just PMMA residents, but any artist in the area 65 and older, and Altwegg encourages anyone who’d like to showcase their work to reach out to them.
The Exhibit will feature a reception on April 11th, from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. Winning pieces will move on to the Masterpiece Level Judging for a chance to have their pieces displayed in the annual calendar and note cards.