Splash Pad Topic of Discussion During Clay Center Public Utilities Commission Meeting

By: Ryan Duey

An item discussed during the Clay Center Public Utilities Commission meeting on Monday, September 16th was the future of the Splash Pad at the Clay Center Zoo.

The Commission discussed different topics with members of the Zoo and Zoo Fundraising Committee regarding the Splash Pad Project. Members of the Zoo Fundraising Committee highlighted the importance of a Splash Pad and its potential draw to the zoo, utility park, and City.

The Commission agreed with the Zoo Committee on the importance of the Splash Pad, but informed the Zoo Committee that there are still projects at the zoo and park that are still needing to be completed, including the Welcome Center. The Commission also spoke about funding, the labor and manpower that would be needed to build and maintain the Splash Pad, and other parts of the park that need attention.

The Zoo Committee and Commission discussed different options on this project, including: finding an option to have the Pad built without taking away from the Utilities manpower, the location of the Pad, how the Splash Pad would benefit the new Welcome Center and zoo traffic, and how much more fundraising is needed.  

After much discussion the Commission made a motion to keep fundraising for the Splash Pad, passing unanimously.  Another motion was also made allowing the Zoo Fundraising Committee and Superintendent Scott Glaves to look at other alternatives of fundraising, also passing unanimously. The Commission and Zoo Committee plans to continue fundraising and will reconvene in early 2025 to discuss the Splash Pad further.

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