Storytellers Wanted

By Rhys Baker

Clay Center Community High School Debate and Forensics are looking for a few good storytellers. While attending the National Speech and Debate tournament, Tiger debate and forensics students watched a Storytelling Event. Five citizen speakers told their stories after being helped by The Des Moines Register employees, who refined their stories. Tiger Speech and Debate Coach Megan Blackburn highlights some of the stories: “One Was a reporter for The Des Moines Register who had gone to Ukraine to visit friends while all the unrest is going on. That one was particularly moving to the kids because he talked about having to wear body armor and what that was like to go into an area that was not safe. Another story was an older lady talking about her early life when she spent a lot of time in Paris. Another storyteller talked about a camping trip that went wrong, and it was quite funny.” 

The Storytelling event prompted many discussions among students, who decided to recreate the event with the theme of Home. Blackburn says, “The students talked about how stories bring people together. We know our community is kind of a special one already, and we would like to hear people’s stories. Right now, we’re trying to get our storytellers lined up. We have a couple of emails from people with suggestions, but again, we are looking for 5 to 6 people willing to join us and tell their stories.” 

When community members sign up, debate and forensics students will help write the participants’ stories, develop them, and practice with speakers on telling their stories. Blackburn wants to remind potential participants that Home is more of a concept in this case. Sometimes, home is a place; sometimes, home is found in other people or in the position one finds oneself in. Those interested in being storytellers can contact Blackburn at Clay Center High School, through the Tiger Speech and Debate Facebook page, or by signing up via a Google form (

The debate and forensics students are partnering with The Rex Theatre, where anyone can purchase tickets to attend the storytelling event on November 24th at 2:30 p.m.

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