Support Your Local 4-Hers While Enjoying the Rodeo

By Ryan Duey

Local Clay County 4-H Ambassadors are gearing up for over a week of activities at the Clay County Fairgrounds. They will be taking part in the Rodeo on the 17th and 18th. Followed by a week of activities during the 150th Annual Clay County Free Fair starting July 22nd.

4-H Ambassador Slade Griffiths said to keep a lookout for him and other 4-H members during the Rodeo.

The Rodeo will begin at 8:00 p.m. on both Wednesday and Thursday. Advance tickets can be purchased at the River Valley Extension Office, Mayo’s, and Ray’s Apple Market. Tickets can also be purchased at the Arena during the nights of the Rodeo. While at the Rodeo take time to support your local 4-H members.

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