Topics Discussed During Clay County Commissioners Latest Regular Weekly Meeting

By: Ryan Duey

Items discussed during the Clay County Commissioners’ regular meeting on September 16th included: Bridge Replacement Funding, a letter of support, donations, flu shots, homelessness, the 2025 Budget, and more.

Bobby Shomper, Highway Administrator, stated to the Board that the first bridge outside of Clay Center on Broughton Road was placed on the KDOT Bridge Replacement Program for 2025. Shomper stated that he had been trying to get this bridge on the Program for a few years as it is very narrow and needs to be replaced.

The Board signed a letter of support for Resound Networks. Resound Networks is applying for a Broadband Equity grant that would serve portions of Clay County by providing high-speed internet.

Jeanna Fancella, Wreaths Across America Coordinator, met with the Board to ask if they would be able to make a donation for the purchase of wreaths to lay on all the graves of Veterans in Greenwood Cemetery. Commissioners made a motion to donate funds to purchase 70 wreaths, passing unanimously.

Dana Rickley, County Health Director, informed that Board that the Health Department is currently busy providing Flu Shots and Covid Vaccines to individuals.

Alan Benninga, Sheriff, reported to the Board that the Department has been very busy with all the Community Events in the area. The CCCHS Homecoming and Morganville Party in the Ville Events went well with no issues he reported. The Board mentioned that there seems to be more homeless individuals in the area. Benninga agreed that they have had several dealings with different individuals.

The meeting finished with the Commissioners reviewing and adopting the 2025 Budget for Clay County and other Districts in the County, including exceeding the County’s Revenue Neutral Rate of 54.852 with a mill levy of 55.025. All motions passed unanimously.

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