USD 379 to Offer Zoom Classes to Parents Facing Challenges with Children

By: Ryan Duey

USD 379 will host a pair of free Zoom classes for parents who may be struggling with child behaviors. Beginning January 22nd, each class will offer a 10-week course addressing such things as media influence, arguing and family conflict, poor school performance, and much more.

“Loving Solutions” will be offered to parents with children aged 10 years and under, while “The Parent Project” is geared toward parents with children 11 years of age and up. Both classes will be held on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.

Lisa Last, USD 379’s School, Family & Community Connections Counselor, said there are things any parent can gain from these classes.

“These classes were originally designed for parents of kids who maybe have some challenging behavior, whether it be challenging discipline, behavior, or academics, whatever it might be. But we found that they really are for any parent because every parent goes through times raising their child and they have challenging moments for sure. And so, they’re really for any parent but targeted, especially for parents of kids that are maybe a little more challenging.”

Last said Riley County Community Corrections partnered with USD 379 several years ago after their staff took training on resources for parents with challenging children.

“We partnered with Riley and Clay County Community Corrections, and they are actually who started, I believe, the classes. We’ve been offering them for several years now and they’re a natural fit for USD 379.”

“The Clay Counts Coalition has been very supportive and has helped fund some of the incentives for parents who attend, purchased a lot of our books for the class, and provided a lot of support.”

“So, this is just one more thing that parents can have in their toolbox as they’re working with their kids and a way that we can support parents and give them some skills that they might need.”

For more information on these classes contact Lisa Last by calling the USD 379 District office or emailing her at Interested parents can register by contacting Last or scanning the QR codes on the flyers.

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