Wakefield School Announces Enrollment Numbers, Gives Updates

By Payton Tholstrup

Wakefield School announced enrollment numbers in a recent update.

Kindergarten: 7 students

1st Grade: 10 students

2nd Grade: 23 students

3rd Grade: 14 students

4th Grade: 14 students

5th Grade: 14 students

6th Grade: 17 students

7th Grade: 18 students

8th Grade: 12 students

9th Grade: 19 students

10th Grade: 19 students

11th Grade: 20 students

12th Grade: 22 students

Total: 209 students

The school also reported they have seen a significant number of student transfers across various school levels, from elementary to high school. According to the report, the process for transferring students typically involves submitting an online registration form and a transfer application. Each school district has its specific criteria and limitations on the number of transfers allowed at each educational level.

This year, the school also introduced a library aide. “This role has enhanced access to resources for both students and teachers, facilitating book checkouts, classroom visits, and online classes. The presence of a library aide supports educational engagement and promotes a culture of reading and learning within the school environment.”

The new cell phone device policy has been going well. While there have been a few issues here and there, the school said many students are taking it upon themselves to encourage each other to abide by the new policy.

Elementary students have been participating in their new daily routines, which the school said has positively impacted their learning and the overall environment of the school. Students participate in daily encore classes, like arts, physical education, and music. Routines also include morning meetings and end-of-day reflections.

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