Walkers of Wakefield Invites Locals To Get Outside

By Quinn O’Hara

On the evening of Tuesday, March 19, the Walkers of Wakefield group held their first meeting at the Wakefield School Track.

Crystal O’Dell said she suggested starting a community walk group during the Wakefield PRIDE meeting on March 18 and was encouraged to give it a go. She said she quickly put together an announcement and organized the first meeting for the following evening.

O’Dell said the goal of Walkers of Wakefield is to get people outside.

O’Dell said she had 12 participants during the first event. She said she plans to make some adjustments ahead of next week’s meeting.

Walkers of Wakefield will be held at 6:30pm every Tuesday, weather permitting. O’Dell said her goal is to eventually enroll the Walkers of Wakefield group in the Walk Kansas program from the K-State Extension offices. She said she was very happy to see a large turnout on such short notice and is excited to watch the group grow.

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