Weekly Clay County Commissioners Meeting Held on September 3rd

By: Ryan Duey

Topics discussed during the Clay County Commissioners’ weekly regular meeting include: asphalt bids, attending trainings, a Broadband grant, building permits, and more.

Bobby Shomper, Highway Administrator, met with the Board to discuss asphalt bids from last week’s meeting. Shomper stated that with the new increase in prices, the budget could not cover the 20 miles bid. A decision was made to purchase 10 miles, and the additional 8 miles bid for both projects. The Board approved the purchase of 18 total miles for the 2025 Asphalt Project, passing unanimously.

Dana Rickley, County Health Director, reported to the Board that she has been asked to be the Guest Speaker on September 7th at the Mr. & Mrs. Community Breakfast at the Ebenezer Church, and on September 24th at the Friendship Breakfast.

Alecia Shannon, Resound External Affairs Director, met with the Board and stated her firm is working on a Broadband Grant from the state of Kansas to deliver fast, reliable internet to hard-to-reach communities. Shannon stated that she may be back to ask for a letter of support from the Board for a Grant as the application gets closer.

Danny Mesalles, County Appraiser, Pam Kemp, Emergency Manager, and Jim Bogart, Emergency Manager Deputy, met with the Board to discuss Federal Flood Plains and building permits. Kemp stated that an owner must request a variance on a property when wanting to build on a Flood Plain. Mesalles provided the Board an updated list of building permits for the year. So far, they have issued 73 permits throughout the County. Rhonda Carroll, Landfill Director, met with the Board to discuss needed repairs and replacement of items at the Landfill. The Board directed Carroll to get bids for an awning for the office entryway to help with wind issues. Commissioner Carlson also instructed Carroll that they need to work on the roads and clean up around the Landfill to get things in better shape for the

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