Australia-Based Company to Do Hydrogen Testing in Washington County

Paragon Integrated Services Group, an Australia-based company, plans to begin hydrogen testing in Washington County. According to county Road and Bridge supervisor Jimmy Workman, the company has leased approximately 35,000 acres, including land in the southern and eastern portions of the county. Toby Bruna, from Hanover, has assisted in securing land leases, with several located in the Hanover area.

Testing is expected to begin in April, and Workman is currently working on a road use agreement under HYT Operating LLC, based in Topeka, which has over 100 oil and gas leases in the county.

The company will employ the same testing methods used by High Plains Resources, which conducted seismic testing in the area last fall. High Plains Resources is set to return later this month for further testing. The hydrogen exploration efforts mark a new phase of energy development in the region.

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