Blue Rapids Will Soon Add an Arboretum to the Community

By: Ryan Duey

The City of Blue Rapids will soon add a new educational and recreational opportunity throughout the City, in the form of an Arboretum. The Arboretum will utilize resources that are already available throughout Blue Rapids, showcasing the beauty of the community forest and parks in the City.

Derek DeBoer, Tree Board President, said having an Arboretum in the City has always been an idea of his.

DeBoer said this Arboretum will be funded as a nonprofit, and will not cost taxpayers anything. DeBoer said they hope to use the Arboretum to help with other projects throughout Blue Rapids. DeBoer details where the plan to establish the Arboretum areas.

The Tree Board will host an official dedication of the Arboretum on October 4th. As a nonprofit, the Arboretum will rely on donations to grow and gain success. More information on the Blue Rapids Tree Board and the Arboretum can be found on the Tree Board Facebook page.

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