Clay Center, Ks- Clay Center High School held their rescheduled “Mock Trial” this morning to help prepare kids for when they are older and need to sit on a jury, or even help them decide if they may want to work in the legal system when they graduate.
The Senior Government students have been hard at work prepping for today’s trial, creating opening and closing arguments, questions to ask the many witnesses, and even trying to find loop holes in the case.
The three cases the student’s tried from the Clay County area already had their fate determined, however the fourth case, the Lizzie Borden case, the student’s decided the outcome for Lizzie Borden .
The students ran the whole court system Judge to Jury, witnesses, attorney’s trying the case and even the person accused.
Lane Mussleman and Reese Geere Prosecuted the Lizzie Borden case with several hard-hitting questions.
Jared Litterell and Tim Woods defended Lizzie Borden to the best of their ability.
In the end, Lizzie Borden was still found guilty as she was originally. The student’s had multiple outside legal experts like Judge Malcom, Judge Bosch, and Dusty Mullin, to assist them in furthering their knowledge in the case.
Janet Schnell covers state and local news for KFRM and KCLY. You can follow the KCLY or KFRM Facebook page for more stories.
KFRM covers news from across the state of Kansas, the Northern part of Oklahoma, and Southern part of Nebraska.
KCLY coverage area includes the nine counties of Clay, Cloud, Dickinson, Geary, Marshall, Ottawa, Riley, Republic, and Washington.
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