Conversations that Matter: Hospice and Advanced Directives Program Comes to Clay Center

Jordan Schuette, Adult Development and Aging Agent

Do you have questions about advanced directives or what hospice care provides? The River Valley Extension District, Meadowlark Hospice, and Clay County Medical Center are providing a “Dish It Out: Conversations that Matter” program in Clay Center.

Amy Burr, Director of Meadowlark Hospice, will be presenting. This educational program aims to provide answers to questions about hospice, such as how it works, how it is paid for, and how you get started. It will also provide education on the importance of advanced directives and having critical conversations with loved ones.

The program will be presented by Meadowlark Hospice Director, Amy Burr. The program will be held on Thursday, April 10th, at 6:00 p.m. at the Clay Center Event Center, 213 S 12th Street.

Attendance is free with Clay County Medical Center and Meadowlark Hospice providing participants with a meal, but registration is required to ensure adequate materials and seating. Contact the River Valley Extension District – Clay Center Office at 785-632-5335 to register for one or both evenings.

For more information regarding this series, you may contact Extension Agent, Jordan Schuette at 785-325-2121

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