Fire Resolutions for Clay County Residents

Clay Center, KS- The Board of County Commissioners of Clay County want to let residents know about the latest fire resolutions.
Anyone who intends to conduct any open burning must have a permit from Clay County. The permitting process consists of obtaining a permit number from the Clay County Law Enforcement Center prior to conducting any burn.  This process can be done by telephone and no written permit is required.
When requesting a burn permit you should be prepared to provide the name, address and phone number of the person responsible for burns, the exact location of the intended open burning operation, type of material being burned, and the time of the burn.  It is strongly emphasized that the requestor must call in prior to starting the fire.
The Clay County Commissioners also want people to know that the person responsible for the fire shall remain in continuous attendance with the burning operation and have the ability to extinguish the fire.
Some other guidelines put out is that no burning shall take place within 150 feet of any structure, oil tank or vehicle and that burning will not be initiated after sunset or before sunrise unless conducted for agriculture or crop rotation purposes.
And as always, burning is not allowed to be conducted during any times when the conditions are deemed hazardous or when conditions on the National Weather Service Rangeland Fire Index are also in place.
Any violation of this resolution is considered a misdemeanor with a fine up to $1,000 and/or six months incarceration in the county jail.
To request a burn permit contact the Clay County Law Enforcement Center at 785-632-5601.
Janet Schnell covers state and local news for KFRM and KCLY. You can follow the KCLY or KFRM Facebook page for more stories.
KFRM covers news from across the state of Kansas, the Northern part of Oklahoma, and Southern part of Nebraska.
KCLY coverage area includes the nine counties of Clay, Cloud, Dickinson, Geary, Marshall, Ottawa, Riley, Republic, and Washington.
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