Kansas Apply Free Days: Free Applications for Undergraduate Programs Across All State Colleges and Universities, October 7-9, 2024

By Trish Svoboda

Kansas Apply Free Days will take place from October 7-9, 2024. During these three days, all Kansas residents, regardless of age or income, can apply for free to any of the state’s public universities, community colleges, technical colleges, and private member institutions of the Kansas Independent College Association.

This offer includes general applications, certificate programs, associate degrees, and bachelor’s degrees, but does not cover graduate programs or mid-degree applications. For detailed instructions on completing applications, refer to the 2024 Apply Free Days Application Instructions.

Qualifying Kansas residents include those applying for undergraduate programs at any public or private college or university in the state. This includes first-time freshmen, transfer students, returning students, and those seeking a second bachelor’s degree. Graduate-level program applications are not covered by this offer. You can find more information on The Kansas Board of Regents website.

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