Kansas Wetlands Education Center to Host Star-Gazing Event

By FHSU University Communications

Hays, KS – Telescopes aimed at the Andromeda Galaxy Friday, Oct. 7 will give observers a chance to see Jupiter, Saturn, and several deep-sky Messier Objects. FHSU’s Astronomy Club, led by Dr. Jack Maseberg, associate professor of physics, and Dr. Paul Adams, dean of the

College of Education will provide the use of high-powered telescopes at the Kansas Wetlands Education Center star gazing event.


The Andromeda Galaxy is a barred spiral galaxy approximately 2.5 million light-years from Earth. The telescopes will be pointed toward M31, and nearby M32, M110, M2, M13, and M15.


The event is open to the general public and will be from 8:30-10 p.m. Refreshments, a planetary solar system craft, and a time for storytelling will round out the evening.


“This is a great opportunity to look for deep space and celestial objects with experts,” said Mandy Kern.


The Kansas Wetlands Education Center, 592 NE K-156 Hwy, is located northeast of Great Bend.

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