Schools That Care Provides Support and Resources to the USD #498 Community

By: Ryan Duey

Schools That Care (STC) of Valley Heights USD #498 is a non-profit organization that assists students, families, and community members in the District. This organization provides needed supplies to students and families in need.

Jayne Whitson, STC Family Advocate, works in the schools and mobile via a “care bus.” The care bus provides supplies such as school supplies, household supplies, baby supplies, clothing, and other basic needed items. Whitson said as a Family Advocate she does her best to help families in any way she can.

Whitson travels to the schools in the District working with students also. She works in the classrooms with the younger students on character education, she also works with students one-on-one. They also offer a Big Brother/Big Sisters Program and are seeking volunteers.

STC offers a wide variety of Programs and resources for students and families in USD #498. The care bus runs off donations from supporting community members. To learn more about Schools That Care and how you can help visit their Facebook page.

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