USD 333 Concordia Education Fund Looks to Gift Health and Happiness to Students and the Community

By: Ryan Duey

The USD 333 Concordia Education Fund aims to give students and the entire community a gift of health and happiness with a new outdoor recreational multi-use area. The area, East of the Middle School, would offer outdoor play all year round.

Kimberly Muff, Education Fund Director, said they started the Concordia Education Fund as an opportunity for alumni and the community to support the students and staff of USD 333.

Muff said that the recreation area is used by Middle School students and also for their after-school program. This new recreation area would benefit hundreds of students daily.

The Education Fund has received grants to fund some of this project, and is seeking contributions to make this outdoor project a reality. A tax-deductible gift will go a long way in giving USD 333 students a year-round area they can enjoy. Contact Muff at the USD 333 District office to donate or for more information.

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