Brown Grand Opera House
The Brown Grand Opera House, Inc. is ending 2024 with a live performance from the Christmas Trio, featuring John Paul Breault, Sarah Jeardoe, and Melissa Swenson, onstage at the Brown Grand (310 W. 6th Street, Concordia) on Sunday, December 22nd at 3:00pm. The Christmas Trio has been together for two years, and is excited to bring a beautiful concert to the community.
Breault, Jeardoe, and Swenson reside in Concordia and are happy to showcase their musical talents in this performance. Breault is an accomplished pianist and singer, as is Jeardoe, while Swenson is a skilled flutist and vocalist. The Trio will do a variety of pieces highlighting their gifts in this concert.
The performance will feature an array of Christmas music dating back to the origins of Christmas Carols, and throughout the performance, they will take the audience along on a journey all the way up to contemporary Christmas songs we all know and cherish.
This concert is open to the public, and tickets are not required. Seating will be on a first-come, first served basis at the Brown Grand. While there is no ticketed fee, the Christmas Trio is gladly accepting donations at the door to support the mission of the Brown Grand Opera House – to enhance cultural life in North Central Kansas.