9/11 Tribute Will Be Held in Concordia

By Payton Tholstrup

On Friday, September 8th, through Sunday September 10th, a 9/11 Tribute Heroes Weekend will be held at the Cloud County Fairgrounds. This event is to observe the 22nd Anniversary of the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001. The event is organized by Rick Simpson, a local veteran.

Simpson is among those veterans who served after the attacks. After 9/11, more people enlisted in the military than in any previous years. Simpson is organizing the event because he wants to remember those who lost their lives on 9/11, as well as remember those who fought for our country after the attacks.

The event will have live music and a cornhole tournament. It will also include races at the Concordia Raceway. Residents are encouraged to attend the event. People can also donate if they choose to, to support the event.

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