Conservation Districts of Clay, Dickinson, and Ottawa Counties Coming Together to Hold a Soil Health Workshop

By Ryan Duey

The Conservation Districts of Clay, Dickinson, and Ottawa Counties will host a “Homesteading for Soil Health Workshop” at Sterl Hall in Abilene on Saturday, April 13th. This all-day workshop will begin at 9:00 a.m.

Shannon Smith, Director of the Ottawa County Conservation District, said this will be kind of an introductory workshop, but not necessarily just introductory. The workshop will host three speakers.

Participants can expect a day full of information, learning valuable skills on soil health, pollinators, and soil rejuvenation.

This is a free event, but Smith does ask that participants RSVP so they can get a count for breakfast and lunch. You can register on their Facebook page or by contacting Smith at the Ottawa County District Office.

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