Greater Manhattan Community Foundation Held a “Partners Retreat”

By Ryan Duey

GMCF held a partners retreat on June 18th in Manhattan, where eleven Community Foundation (CF) Partners were represented. Vern began with introductions and questions the CFs brought about all aspects of the partnership program. Many questions were generated, so the day was spent in a deep dive learning process, hearing the answers from GMCF staff.

The world of Community Foundations is one of sharing and borrowing. Most partner foundations hold a match day, so valuable information was shared about how every CF runs its match day, what works, and what new ideas might help others be more successful. Many of the partners are smaller or new foundations and were eager to hear ideas to help their match day succeed in the coming years.

Ideas were shared about how to help the nonprofit funds boost giving on match day. Some CFs who have held multiple match days suggested the funds emphasize sharing with the public and donors how the contributions will be used to better the local community. Morree Floersch, Clay Center Community Improvement Foundation, and Jeff Crist, Marysville Community Foundation, were able to report their experience and expertise with those present. They suggested telling stories about how donations have made a difference in their communities.

Other discussion topics were: Understanding fund agreements Understanding the financial aspects of the GMCF partnership How to effectively use the board of directors The importance of an annual report The scholarship process

There are sixteen affiliate foundations. These community foundations utilize the 501(c)(3) status offered through the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation.

Three associate foundations hold their own 501(c)(3) status but still utilize the Partner program through the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation.

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