Linn SAL Post 237 Annual Coyote Hunt Set for First Weekend in January

By: Ryan Duey

The Linn Sons of the American Legion Post 237 will hold its annual Coyote Hunt on January 3rd and 4th.  Registration will run from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Friday at the Linn American Legion.

This is a three-member team hunt, a fourth member may be added to a team if that person is under the age of 16. Hunters can start hunting right after they register, Kansas night hunting rules for coyotes do apply. The final weigh-in will take place at Ohlde Racing Shop near the Legion and hunters must be present by 7:00 p.m.

The big pot consists of most coyotes and five heaviest coyotes with teams finishing in the Top 3 receiving a portion of the pot in each category.

There is also a chance at different side pots, which include the largest coyote, smallest coyote, and ugliest coyote. The side pots will have a 100% payout to the winner for each category.

Proceeds from the hunt go back to the American Legion to help with future projects. Visit the Linn SAL Facebook page for more information.

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